



In the presence of God and Jesus the Christ, who will judge the living and dead in their time. I bring you this charge of preaching the word. In and out of season, rebuke and encourage.

With patience and careful instruction correct. Cause the time will come when men will not accept any doctrine except what will suit their desire. And surround themselves with teachers who are liars.

Already I’m being poured out like a drink. And the time has come for me to leave. I fought the good fight and finished the race. I fought the good fight and I kept the faith.

Listening to what their itching ears want to hear, they’ll turn from the truth and trust mythical stories. But you keep your head in all situations. And endure the hardship that through preaching comes.

Now for me is a crown of righteousness in store, which the righteous judge on that day will award. And not just for me, but for all who have groaned. For all of the saint who await the return. Not just for me, but for all who long to see the appearing of the Lord on his thrown.

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